Friday, May 20, 2016


500-900 CE

Recovery period after Rome's fall; missionary work in northern Europe

732 CE

Franks defeat Muslims in France

800-814 CE

Charlemagne's Empire

900-1000 CE

Spread of new plows; use of horses in agriculture, transport

962 CE

Germanic kings "revive" Roman Empire

1018 CE

Beginning of Christian reconquest of Spain

1066 CE

Norman conquest of England, strong feudal monarchy

1070-1141 CE

Peter Abelard

1073-1085 CE

Gregory VII, reform pope

1096-1270 CE


150-1300 CE

Gothic style spreads

1180 CE

University of Paris

1200-1274 CE

Thomas Aquinas and flowering of scholasticism

1215 CE

Magna Carta

1265 CE

First English parliament

1338-1453 CE

Hundred Years' War

1348 CE

Black Death (bubonic plague)

1469 CE

Formation of single Spanish monarchy

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